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Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple

Both greatest common divisor and least common multiple are essential and extremely important operations in mathematics, without them mathematical operations would be quite a tedious task and possibly more complicated to do, the reason is that both operations are used in the simplification of fractions and the calculation of common numbers with respect to a larger group of numbers.

Exercises with fractions

As it is already known, the main operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and it could not be different for fractions, in that sense, below is a varied number of simple exercises with fractions to account for the way to approach this kind of operations:

Fraction operations

Fractions are numbers, actually known as rational numbers For any fraction x/y where x and y are integers and y ≠ 0, you can perform the four basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division However, since a fraction involves two numbers, it does require some operational manipulation depending on the nature of the digits involved in the operation – whether the numbers are the same or different, as well as the type of operation You’ll need to follow specific rules for handling the numerators and denominators.


Fractions are a way of representing a part of a whole, or perhaps in other words, a way of showing a quantity in its equal parts. Another way of expressing it is that it represents a proportion of some quantity, or else a fraction is simply a reason.

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