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Reseña histórica del Python

El Python se caracteriza por ser uno de los lenguajes mas polifacéticos que existen a lo largo de todo el ámbito de los lenguajes de programación. No solo es un lenguaje interpretado(no necesita de previa compilación para ser ejecutado), sino que la sintaxis es muy practica y suficientemente fácil de implementar, debido a que tiene un set de instrucciones minimalistas en su aplicación pero suficientemente practico para la creación de los códigos fuentes de programas, así como poder ser de fácil lectura. Siendo Python parte de una evolución natural de los lenguajes de programación en el sentido de los lenguajes que le antecedieron como el C, COBOL, LISP, etc, eran lenguajes que eran en cierto modo

Prime Numbers

Prime numbers are natural numbers greater than 1 and have the particularity that they are divisible only by themselves and unity and are important in mathematics not only because of such a singular nature but because of the fundamental theory of arithmetic that states the following:

Números Primos

Los números primos son números naturales mayores que 1 y tienen como particularidad que son divisibles solo por si mismo y la unidad y son importantes en la matemáticas no solo por naturaleza tan singular sino debido a la teoría fundamental de la aritmética que establece lo siguiente:

Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple

Both greatest common divisor and least common multiple are essential and extremely important operations in mathematics, without them mathematical operations would be quite a tedious task and possibly more complicated to do, the reason is that both operations are used in the simplification of fractions and the calculation of common numbers with respect to a larger group of numbers.

Maximo comun Divisor y Minimo Comun multiplo

Tanto máximo común divisor como mínimo común múltiplo son operaciones esenciales y sumamente importantes en las matemáticas, sin ellas las operaciones matemáticas serian una labor bastante tediosa y posiblemente mas complicado de hacer, la razón es que ambas operaciones son usadas en la simplificación de fracciones y el calculo de números comunes con respecto a un grupo mas grande de números.

Categorized as fracciones

Exercises with fractions

As it is already known, the main operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and it could not be different for fractions, in that sense, below is a varied number of simple exercises with fractions to account for the way to approach this kind of operations:

The Blockchain

“… He is the spirit behind the machine, he is the one who gives life to the item in question, always working in silence to maintain the system, those few in number and wisdom aware of his existence still incomprehend him, by misfortune he is long forgotten, not knowing that Providence nourishes the hope that one day everyone will know him and thank him for all these years….”

Categorized as cripto_en

The Drake Equation

Of course there is life in the universe, 100% sure, the existence of earth is indisputable proof, now, the physical laws are similar anywhere in the universe, the elements of the periodic table are present everywhere, stars and planets are everywhere, definitely life, there is there,… But what about civilizations other than the human one? Before the time of the answers, first, we will have to realize that humans are not particularly special or divine but somewhat ordinary and rather humble with respect to the rest of the universe”

Fraction operations

Fractions are numbers, actually known as rational numbers For any fraction x/y where x and y are integers and y ≠ 0, you can perform the four basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division However, since a fraction involves two numbers, it does require some operational manipulation depending on the nature of the digits involved in the operation – whether the numbers are the same or different, as well as the type of operation You’ll need to follow specific rules for handling the numerators and denominators.

The rise of spiritual machines

Machines are super fast, retain massive information, never get tired, don’t eat, don’t sleep, and can execute tasks without errors The problem is that maybe they can imitate life at microscopic levels, but in the end, they couldn’t truly be life Even if they were, would they be conscious? Or perhaps…”

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